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GJ Vasectomy
Is a Vasectomy reversible?Yes, however the chances of vasectomy reversal success depends on how much time has passed between the vasectomy and the reversal. A reversal doesn't guarantee success in conceiving a child. Vasectomy reversals can be attempted even if several years have passed since the original vasectomy — but the longer it has been, the less likely it is that the reversal will work.
Will it decrease my sex drive?A vasectomy will not affect your sex life. There is no negative relationship between a vasectomy and sex drive. This is because nothing physiologically changes within your body after having a vasectomy. Male sterilization does not interfere with the blood vessels or nerves that are required for having an erection or for ejaculation. In addition, a vasectomy does not cause impotence or lower your ability to maintain an erection.
Will it decrease my testosterone production?Because a vasectomy is simply redirecting your sperm, your testosterone levels will remain unchanged. This means you won’t notice any difference to the physical features affected by testosterone production.
Where does the sperm go after the vasectomy?A vasectomy doesn’t stop the production of sperm. Instead, it stops sperm from entering the semen during ejaculation. So, what happens to the sperm that’s still being produced? While your sperm is maturing, it’s stored in the epididymis. This is a tightly coiled tube that is 15-18 feet long. The epididymis is where sperm is transferred to the vas deferens and then moves onto the next stage where the egg is fertilized. After you have a vasectomy, the sperm can no longer move out of the epididymis. The membrane of the epididymis, which is the inner lining, absorbs most of the sperm where it is then dissolved. This process is a natural break down & absorption technique of the body.
Do I need to wear the scrotal support all day, every day?Wear the scrotal support to provide extra assistance for the first 7 days during the daytime while you are awake. Anytime you are exercising or working out after that, wear snug fitting underwear to provide additional compression.
What is the alternative method of a vasectomy and how is the “no scalpel” technique different?With the alternative method, a knife or scalpel is used to create an incision in the skin and through layers of tissue to access the vas deferens. With the “no scalpel” method, we can make a microscopic opening to access the vas deferens instead of cutting through multiple layers of tissue. This process is much less invasive, and more efficient. We push blood vessels to the side versus the alternative of cutting into them with the alternative method. Since we do not need to cut into the blood vessels, this means there is 90% less bleeding (which is what causes the majority of the pain from a Vasectomy).
How long do I have to wait to enter the Jacuzzi, Pool, Sauna, or Bath after the procedure?Wait at least 5–7 days to ensure the the small hole in the scrotum is completely healed so it is not exposed to any bacteria or chemicals. Showers are fine starting the morning after your vasectomy.
How do I know when I can exercise again?The sooner you give your body a chance to heal with proper rest and post procedure care, the sooner you will be able to resume physical activity. It is vital to not rush back into working out, as this can cause complications. Ease back into your regular routine, and if you feel any pain or discomfort while exercising, do not push yourself. Listen to your body and be patient.
How soon after my vasectomy can I travel?Just like with exercise, it is important to give your body a chance to heal before resuming normal activities. Since you need to avoid lifting heavy luggage, avoid traveling for at least 7-10 days after your procedure.
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